After a lifetime of devoting himself to contemporary opera, we have some exciting news regarding New York City’s newest Opera Company – Marshall Opera.

“On Saturday evening, May 6, 2023, at the Liederkranz, the establishment of Marshall Opera, New York City’s newest opera company, was announced. Named for the contemporary opera visionary, Richard Marshall, the company plans to entertain and inspire diverse audiences with compelling productions of new and neglected operas, mostly American, by such composers as Amy Beach, Douglas Moore, Vivian Fine, William Mayer, William Schuman, Scott Joplin, Ulysses Kay and others. Foreign composers will also be included in the mix, such as Dame Ethyl Smyth, Olivier Messiaen, Louis Andriessen, Hans Werner Henze, Jo Kondo and Benjamin Britten.”

Read the full article about this inspiring event at Broadway World.

The official Marshall Website can be found here

An interview with Richard Marshall can be found on the Marshall Opera site under the Oral History Project or view it here on a YouTube Channel

Peter de Gosztonyi